Fake busy-ness

1 min readJan 1, 2023

I think, in most jobs nowadays, there is a lot of fake busy-ness. There is a lot of discussion on how “things are supposed to be done”, and there is a lot of inflexibility and planning ahead — way too far ahead — which sometimes don’t work for small businesses. Small businesses are supposed to be the antidote of corporate mindset and workdoing, yet some people ‘kill’ it by demanding a routine to minimize mistakes. But small businesses are supposed to be great at making fabulous mistakes. These are their badge of honors; their identity; their way of thriving and discovering.

What is dangerous to the growth of small businesses is to have employees who have become too ‘book-smart’ that they refuse to embrace change; to have the capacity to feel the brand as it is evolving day by day. Because what they’d do is to bring a template of working (a social media calendar grabbed from Pinterest, an online promotion everyone is doing, ) which they recklessly apply at the workplace, thus killing the breath, the depth, the personality of the brand.

